Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hair Accessories


free shipping

Awesome little hair accessory that clips easily into a regular bobby pin. Very 20s & 30s which I love!

To Make: Use your favorite material as a backdrop to add your favorite beads to. I usually also add some type of larger decorative item, such as a button to attach smaller items to. Make a loop in the back to attach a bobby pin. Congrats!

Fashionable Aprons - SASSY CHEF

$15.00 each/free shipping

Fashionable aprons for sale for that Sassy Chef in your life. I love these! Everytime I cook I can be cute and still functional. Machine washable too.

To Make: Buy your favorite material. Cut material into half large circle. Hem edges with sewing machine. Attach front pocket with decorative item. Congrats!

Glass Bead, Pearl & Crystal Necklace

$15.00 w/free shipping.

To make: you will need glass, crystal and pearl beads. Using wire, gently place each bead on the wire separating the beads into sections that group beads together. With bead clamps, clamp each section in place on the wire. It's that simple. Now you have a gorgeous necklace or bracelet for a fraction of the cost. Congrats!

Jewelry Fresh Off the Press


Find out how to make the trendiest fashion accessories. Also purchase items personally made by me, Mrs. Vintabulous herself. Have fun and thanks for looking.

"The real joys in life are being with the ones you love and decorating your world with beautiful FASHION ACCESSORIES!!"

I now have new beautiful necklaces and bracelets made out of glass beads, swarokski crystals, and other items from my craft shop. Email me for information on purchasing or instructions for making. This is my grand opening!! I am so excited to share my crafts with the world.